This Substack started out as a place to park my thoughts because of a major SNAFU with my existing MsCellany blog. It had some good moments but wasn’t read by many and a tech fail meant that it was suddenly read by even fewer. So I came here. I
Now, I think, it’s time to impose a bit of structure and a place for the thoughts that whirl endlessly in my head. Previous attempts to write what you’re reading now have failed either through horrible imposter syndrome; more techfails - I was up until 2am writing a post on my phone which you shall now be forever spared - or because what I thought was elegant prose seemed really pompous and self-regarding when I read it back. Goodness knows how I’ll have the discipline to write every week but I’ll give it a go.
Here we go again, then.
I started off with a pathetic self-defensive attempt at explaining why I can be so acquisitive: childhood; dopamine hit; self-soothing; quest for efficiency and rapport-qualité-prix yadda yadda. Then it occured to me how pitiful I sounded. Those who know me don’t really need an explanation; those who don’t know me yet will learn about me and I don’t need to apologise in advance, surely?
Here are some things I liked this week:
Figs from Riverford
Luscious, sumptuous, perfectly ripe (for a change) sweet and strangely erotic. I have no idea why this is but everyone somehow seems to get it.
New Fitflop walking boots
I have wide feet and generally find that walking boots crush my feet, even the ones I’ve had specially fitted at that place in the Nugent Centre. It might be something to do with not breaking them in properly or my right-foot bunion. Anyway I spied these looking smart on a dog training friend who told me they were from Fitflop. A few clicks on a keyboard and they were mine, and very comfy and accommodating they are, if a little warm for the summer. Here they are sporting echt Farnborough and Norfolk vegetation.
Mug from Glosters
This speaks for itself.
This week’s disappointments
RMS cream foundation
sadly wasn’t up to the mark on my skin. Though it is a clean make-up brand it smells very strongly of… something, and the cloying fragrance lasts for hours. It was too light pinky peach for my undertone in any case, so I’ll keep it for the winter in case it calms down a bit.
I’m going to direct to you to the famous blog of my Twitter and The Archers friend wtf_eek. I don’t think she has a Substack and she’s not on BlueSky yet, though I wish she were. Her commentary on each week’s fashion faux pas might not be for everyone - I enjoy it - but I invariably find her political rants spot on. Here she talks about the Grenfell Fire Enquiry and some other topical stuff.
Speaking of The Archers: here we go, at long last! We truly don’t want filler about Brad and Mia going up Lakey Hill and their last-minute University jitters. Alastair and Denise can tuck themselves up in a cosy little nook and look at paint charts. Adam and Ian’s class Whatsapp group can also do one, for now. We don’t care. Let’s cut to the chase please. It’s all starting to come out and Ambridge is going to be SHOOK.
That’s all for now. There. It wasn’t so bad, was it?
I’ll pass on the blue cheese, I think.
Fresh figs with blue cheese = 😋
Looking forward to your next Substack!